HMSG take part in the GA Welshwise Quiz

July 6, 2016

On 4th July HMSG entered teams of Year 8 and Year 9 pupils for the Geographical Association’s Welshwise Quiz.  Llinos, Heddwen, Eva, Megan, Scarlett and Katie all represented the school.


The quiz was held in the impressive Committee Rooms in the Glamorgan Building of Cardiff University.  A warm welcome was given by Cardiff University, School of Planning and Geography, who informed the gathered teams about the opportunities that geography could offer in the future.

This was the second Welshwise Quiz offering a fun Geography competition for schools in South wales and another for schools in North Wales.  Five schools were represented from South Wales.  There were eight rounds of questions starting with – where in Wales are we?  Pupils’ knowledge and skills were tested on a range of topics from map work skills to coastal landforms, Welsh sport and local authorities in Wales.  The questions were challenging and thought-provoking, e.g. How long is the Welsh coastline?  What is the smallest local authority in Wales?

Both teams thoroughly enjoyed the experience and coped well with the questions.  They gained a great deal from the experience and expanded their knowledge of Wales.  Welsh geography certainly has much to offer.  A special thank you goes to Mrs Harper for supporting the event.  HMSG looks forward to returning to Cardiff next July.

Mr Meek
Head of Geography